School History
A little history behind our library:
The library began to take form in 1988 when Mrs. Dennison was hired. The library was in a dark trailer that had no windows and was used for driver's ed. They hardly had any books and the ones they did receive was donated. Through the generosity of the PTO and some district funds, Mrs. Dennison was to able build the library collection. Three years later the library was moved into room 7, where it remains today. It was however, half the size it is now and the space was shared with Mrs. Petronella and the computer lab. The bookshelves were made by parents and they had mismatched furniture. Mrs. Dennison and Mrs. Petronella always wanted to split the room.
In the 2003-2004 school year under the Principal Mr. Butler their dream to split the library came true. The new library opened in 2004 after many donations from generous community members, parents, Branch staff, Branch alumni's and one student who donated her babysitting money to help fund the project. Mrs. Dennison retired after the 2015-2016 school year and we are grateful for all her hard work in making the library into what it is today.